The Academy: ERM resources

Webcasts: Shows ERM in action

How to Integrate ESG into ERM

Integrating environmental, social, governance (ESG) into an organization’s enterprise risk management (ERM) program is considered a best practice not only for purposes of applying the popular Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, but is emerging as a key theme across practitioners to avoid the pitfalls of more siloed approaches to ESG. By Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP and Nystedt Enterprise Solutions LLC

Holistic Risk Management

Webcast about holistic risk management: how risk capacity can be measured to  make room for amplifying  high-return strategic risk taking by mitgating unwanted risks. This webcast showcases the latest frontier for ERM in supporting shareholder value

SaaS Analytics

Webcast on our client SaaS solutions' analytical capabilities including heat-maps, candle-sticks, statistical tables and word-art. This user-friendly tools allow clients to quickly and efficiently analyze survey results, and present findings to stakeholders

Webcast on how to think strategically about risk management and receivables, hosted by Flywire and Nystedt Enterprise Solutions

Articles: Pertinent articles that we think you will enjoy

 Agile Risk Management

Article published by the AFP in May 2024: Holistic risk management is not about encouraging recklessness; rather, it is about calculated risk-taking. The key is to strike a balance between ambition and prudence, ensuring that strategic initiatives align with organizational goals while remaining within acceptable risk thresholds. 

AFPEX_Fall2023-DIGITAL-3 NES on ESG.pdf

Article published by the AFP Fall 2023 on Authored by Johan Nystedt

How to Measure Risk Capacity for Strategic Initiatives


Article published by RIMS in the RISK Magazine on the "How to Measure Risk Capacity for Strategic Initiatives" by  Johan Nystedt

Integrating ESG into ERM for regulatory compliance 

Integrating ESG into Enterprise Risk Management for Regulatory Compliance.pdf

Article published by the AFP on 3/10/23 on Integrating ESG into an organization’s enterprise risk management (ERM) program, authored by Johan Nystedt

Article published by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) on the "Corporate Treasury's Seat at the Enterprise Risk Management Table" by Greg Deveney of Chatham Financial and Johan Nystedt

Holistic Risk Management

Holistic Risk Management v2.docx

Primer on a simple top-down approach on how to implement holistic risk management for your firm. It starts with estimating your firm's risk capacity and how to recalibrate it proforma for strategic initiatives

Risk Oversight Report from NC State, Poole College of Management

NC State 2022 Risk Oversight Report Take-Aways.pdf

See article based on NC State's recent report: Boards and senior management are requesting better ERM oversight, yet companies are struggling to meet the urgent demands, citing competing priorities or lack of resources

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